All properties
- area
- The area of the ellipse.
- arguments
- The arguments to be passed to the call back function when executed.
- attempts
- The number of additional times the file has attempted to load.
- attempts
- The number of additional times the file has attempted to load after start was called.
- attempts
- The number of times the file has attempted to load.
- The default list of audio file extensions.
- autoStart
- The default list of binary file extensions.
- Bps
- The current download speed of the group in bytes per second.
- Bps
- The current download speed of the requested file in bytes per second.
- Bps
- The current download speed of the requested file in bytes per second.
- buffer
- The percent the video has buffered.
- buffer
- The percent the video has buffered.
- buffered
- Determines if the requested video has buffered , or hasn't finished buffering .
- bytesLoaded
- bytesLoaded
- The number of bytes loaded.
- bytesLoaded
- The number of bytes loaded when the listener processed the event.
- bytesLoaded
- The number of bytes loaded of the requested file.
- bytesTotal
- bytesTotal
- The total number of bytes that will be loaded if the loading process succeeds.
- bytesTotal
- The total number of bytes that will be loaded if the loading process succeeds.
- bytesTotal
- The total number of bytes of the requested file.
- callBack
- The function to execute after specified delay.
- center
- The center of the ellipse.
- children
- Returns the current children of the as an .
- children
- Returns the current children of the as an .
- completed
Determines if the process has completed
, or if it hasn'tfalse
- completedLoads
- The loads that have completed.
- completedProcesses
- The processes that have completed.
- content
- The content received from the CasaLoader.
- contentAsAvm1Movie
- The data received from the DataLoad data typed as AVM1Movie.
- contentAsBitmap
- The data received from the DataLoad data typed as Bitmap.
- contentAsBitmapData
- The data received from the DataLoad data typed as BitmapData.
- contentAsMovieClip
- The data received from the DataLoad data typed as MovieClip.
- data
- The data received from the DataLoad.
- dataAsByteArray
- The data received from the DataLoad data typed as ByteArray.
- dataAsString
- The data received from the DataLoad data typed as String.
- dataAsUrlVariables
- The data received from the DataLoad data typed as URLVariables.
- dataAsXml
- The data received from the DataLoad data typed as XML.
- dataFormat
- The data type that DataLoad is receiving.
- decimalPercentage
- The percent expressed as a decimal percentage.
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- Determines if the object has been destroyed , or is still available for use .
- destroyed
- destroyed
- duration
- The length of time of the tween transition.
- duration
- The duration/length of the video.
- end
- The end value of the range.
- equation
- The tween equation.
- errored
- Determines if the GroupLoad could not complete because of an error , or hasn't encountered an error .
- errored
- Determines if the requested file could not complete because of an error , or hasn't encountered an error .
- erroredLoads
- The loads that could not complete because of an error.
- height
- The height of the rectangle.
- httpStatus
- The HTTP status code returned by the server; or if no status has/can been received or the load is a stream.
- httpStatus
- The HTTP status code returned by the server; or if no status has/can been received or the load is a stream.
- id
- The identifier name for this instance of GroupLoad, if specified.
- The default list of image file extensions.
- incompletedLoads
- The loads that have not completed.
- incompletedProcesses
- The processes that have not completed.
- infoObject
- The meta data or cue point info object.
- keyCodes
- The key codes that compose this KeyCombo.
- keyCombo
- The KeyCombo that contains the key codes that triggered the event.
- latency
- The time in milliseconds that the server took to respond.
- latency
- The time in milliseconds that the server took to respond.
- loaded
- Determines if all loads in the group are loaded , or if the group hasn't finished loading .
- loaded
- Determines if the requested file has loaded , or hasn't finished loading .
- loader
- The Loader being used to load the image or SWF.
- loaderInfo
- The LoaderInfo corresponding to the object being loaded.
- loading
- Determines if the group is loading , or if it isn't currently loading .
- loading
- Determines if the requested file is loading , or if it isn't currently loading .
- loadingAndCompletedLoads
- The loads that are either currently loading or that have completed.
- loadingLoads
- The loads that are currently loading.
- loads
- The loads that compose the group.
- looping
- Indicates if the Sequence repeats once completed ; or stops .
- loops
- The number of times the sequence has run since it started.
- loops
- The number of times the sequence has run.
- marginBottom
- The bottom spacing of the children.
- marginLeft
- The left spacing of the children.
- marginRight
- The right spacing of the children.
- marginTop
- The top spacing of the children.
- max
- The maximum or largest value of the range.
- The maximum amount of threads for a ProcessGroup instance.
- metaData
- The meta data information embedded in the video being loaded.
- milliseconds
- The length of time an user has been inactive.
- millisecondsUntilBuffered
- The time remaining in milliseconds until the video has completely buffered.
- millisecondsUntilBuffered
- The time remaining in milliseconds until the video has completely buffered.
- min
- The minimum or smallest value of the range.
- netConnection
- The NetConnection class used by the VideoLoad class.
- netStream
- The NetStream class used by the VideoLoad class.
- The default priority for all Process instances.
- The default amount of threads for all ProcessGroup instances.
- pauseStart
- Indicates to pause video at start , or to let the video automatically play ; defaults to .
- percentage
- The percent expressed as a regular percentage.
- perimeter
- The circumference of the ellipse.
- position
- position
- The current position of the tween.
- position
- The current position of the tween.
- preventCache
- Specifies if a random value name/value pair should be appended to every load in GroupLoad , or not append ; defaults to .
- preventCache
- Specifies if a random value name/value pair should be appended to the query string to help prevent caching , or not append ; defaults to .
- priority
- The priority relative to other processes.
- processes
- The processes that compose the group.
- progress
- The percent that the group is loaded.
- progress
- The percent that the requested file has loaded.
- progress
- The percent that the requested file has loaded.
- progress
- The percent completed of the tween's duration.
- progress
- The percent completed of the tween's duration.
- property
- Retrieves the property as a String defined in the class' constructor.
- queryString
- The field/value pairs of the browser URL.
- queuedLoads
- The loads that are neither complete nor loading.
- queuedProcesses
- The processes that are neither complete or running.
- retries
- The number of additional load retries the class will attempt before failing.
- retries
- The number of additional load retries the class should attempt before failing; defaults to additional retries / total load attempts.
- reversing
- Determines if the MovieClip is currently reversing , or is stopped or playing .
- running
Determines if the process is currently running
, or if it isn'tfalse
- running
- Determines if the stopwatch is currently running , or if it isn't .
- runningProcesses
- The processes that are currently running.
- scope
- Retrieves the object defined as scope in the class' constructor.
- size
- The maximum width or height of the distribution.
- size
- The size of the ellipse, expressed as a Point object with the values of the width and height properties.
- size
- The number of elements in the list.
- size
- The number of elements in the list.
- The default list of small/short words to be used with toTitleCase.
- sound
- The Sound object.
- stage
The Stage of the display object or if the display object is not added to the display list and StageReference is defined
will return the default stage; otherwisenull
- stage
- The Stage of the display object or if the display object is not added to the display list and StageReference is defined will return the default stage; otherwise .
- stage
- The Stage of the display object or if the display object is not added to the display list and StageReference is defined will return the default stage; otherwise .
- stage
- The Stage of the display object or if the display object is not added to the display list and StageReference is defined will return the default stage; otherwise .
- stage
- The Stage of the display object or if the display object is not added to the display list and StageReference is defined will return the default stage; otherwise .
- stage
- The Stage of the display object or if the display object is not added to the display list and StageReference is defined will return the default stage; otherwise .
- start
- The start value of the range.
- The default list of SWF file extensions.
- The default list of text file extensions.
- threads
- The number of simultaneous processes to run at once.
- time
- time
- The current time duration in milliseconds the load has taken.
- time
- The current time duration in milliseconds the load has taken.
- time
- Gets the time elapsed since Stopwatch.start or until Stopwatch.stop was called.
- url
- The URL of the requested file.
- urlLoader
- The URLLoader being used to download the data.
- urlRequest
- The URLRequest reference to the requested file.
- vertical
Indicates to position children left-to-right top-to-bottom
, or to position children top-to-bottom left-to-righttrue
- video
- A Video class with attached NetStream.
- The default list of video file extensions.
- Whitespace characters (space, tab, new line and return).
- width
- The width of the ellipse.
- x
- The horizontal coordinate of the point.
- x
- The horizontal coordinate of the point.
- y
- The vertical coordinate of the point.
- y
- The vertical coordinate of the point.
- z
- The depth coordinate of the point.
- position
Packages and classes
- org.casalib.util.AlignUtil
- org.casalib.util.ArrayUtil
- org.casalib.util.ClassUtil
- org.casalib.util.ColorUtil
- org.casalib.util.ConversionUtil
- org.casalib.util.DateUtil
- org.casalib.util.DisplayObjectUtil
- org.casalib.util.DrawUtil
- org.casalib.util.FlashVarUtil
- org.casalib.util.FrameUtil
- org.casalib.util.GeomUtil
- org.casalib.util.LibraryManager
- org.casalib.util.LoadItemUtil
- org.casalib.util.LoadUtil
- org.casalib.util.LocationUtil
- org.casalib.util.NavigateUtil
- org.casalib.util.NumberUtil
- org.casalib.util.ObjectUtil
- org.casalib.util.PropertySetter
- org.casalib.util.QueryStringUtil
- org.casalib.util.RatioUtil
- org.casalib.util.SingletonUtil
- org.casalib.util.StageReference
- org.casalib.util.StringUtil
- org.casalib.util.TextFieldUtil
- org.casalib.util.UrlVariablesUtil
- org.casalib.util.ValidationUtil
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- © 2011 Aaron Clinger and the CASA Lib Team
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- destroyed
- bytesTotal
- bytesLoaded