Kind of class: | public class |
Package: | |
Inherits from: |
Version: | 05/19/11 |
Author: | Aaron Clinger, David Nelson, Mike Creighton |
Classpath: | org.casalib.util.NumberUtil |
File last modified: | Friday, 20 May 2011, 00:59:45 |
/* CASA Lib for ActionScript 3.0 Copyright (c) 2011, Aaron Clinger & Contributors of CASA Lib All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of the CASA Lib nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.casalib.util { import org.casalib.math.Percent; /** Provides utility functions for manipulating numbers. @author Aaron Clinger @author David Nelson @author Mike Creighton @version 05/19/11 */ public class NumberUtil { /** Determines if the two values are equal, with the option to define the precision. @param val1: A value to compare. @param val2: A value to compare. @param precision: The maximum amount the two values can differ and still be considered equal. @return Returnstrue
the values are equal; otherwisefalse
. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.isEqual(3.042, 3, 0)); // Traces false trace(NumberUtil.isEqual(3.042, 3, 0.5)); // Traces true
*/ public static function isEqual(val1:Number, val2:Number, precision:Number = 0):Boolean { return Math.abs(val1 - val2) <= Math.abs(precision); } /** Evaluatesval1
and returns the smaller value. UnlikeMath.min
this method will return the defined value if the other value isnull
or not a number. @param val1: A value to compare. @param val2: A value to compare. @return Returns the smallest value, or the value out of the two that is defined and valid. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.min(5, null)); // Traces 5 trace(NumberUtil.min(5, "CASA")); // Traces 5 trace(NumberUtil.min(5, 13)); // Traces 5
*/ public static function min(val1:*, val2:*):Number { if (isNaN(val1) && isNaN(val2) || val1 == null && val2 == null) return NaN; if (val1 == null || val2 == null) return (val2 == null) ? val1 : val2; if (isNaN(val1) || isNaN(val2)) return isNaN(val2) ? val1 : val2; return Math.min(val1, val2); } /** Evaluatesval1
and returns the larger value. UnlikeMath.max
this method will return the defined value if the other value isnull
or not a number. @param val1: A value to compare. @param val2: A value to compare. @return Returns the largest value, or the value out of the two that is defined and valid. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.max(-5, null)); // Traces -5 trace(NumberUtil.max(-5, "CASA")); // Traces -5 trace(NumberUtil.max(-5, -13)); // Traces -5
*/ public static function max(val1:*, val2:*):Number { if (isNaN(val1) && isNaN(val2) || val1 == null && val2 == null) return NaN; if (val1 == null || val2 == null) return (val2 == null) ? val1 : val2; if (isNaN(val1) || isNaN(val2)) return (isNaN(val2)) ? val1 : val2; return Math.max(val1, val2); } /** Creates a random number within the defined range. @param min: The minimum value the random number can be. @param min: The maximum value the random number can be. @return Returns a random number within the range. */ public static function randomWithinRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number { return min + (Math.random() * (max - min)); } /** Creates a random integer within the defined range. @param min: The minimum value the random integer can be. @param min: The maximum value the random integer can be. @return Returns a random integer within the range. */ public static function randomIntegerWithinRange(min:int, max:int):int { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (1 + max - min) + min); } /** Determines if the number is even. @param value: A number to determine if it is divisible by2
. @return Returnstrue
if the number is even; otherwisefalse
. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.isEven(7)); // Traces false trace(NumberUtil.isEven(12)); // Traces true
*/ public static function isEven(value:Number):Boolean { return (value & 1) == 0; } /** Determines if the number is odd. @param value: A number to determine if it is not divisible by2
. @return Returnstrue
if the number is odd; otherwisefalse
. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.isOdd(7)); // Traces true trace(NumberUtil.isOdd(12)); // Traces false
*/ public static function isOdd(value:Number):Boolean { return !NumberUtil.isEven(value); } /** Determines if the number is an integer. @param value: A number to determine if it contains no decimal values. @return Returnstrue
if the number is an integer; otherwisefalse
. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.isInteger(13)); // Traces true trace(NumberUtil.isInteger(1.2345)); // Traces false
*/ public static function isInteger(value:Number):Boolean { return (value % 1) == 0; } /** Determines if the number is prime. @param value: A number to determine if it is only divisible by1
and itself. @return Returnstrue
if the number is prime; otherwisefalse
. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.isPrime(13)); // Traces true trace(NumberUtil.isPrime(4)); // Traces false
*/ public static function isPrime(value:Number):Boolean { if (value == 1 || value == 2) return true; if (NumberUtil.isEven(value)) return false; var s:Number = Math.sqrt(value); for (var i:Number = 3; i <= s; i++) if (value % i == 0) return false; return true; } /** Rounds a number's decimal value to a specific place. @param value: The number to round. @param place: The decimal place to round. @return Returns the value rounded to the defined place. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.roundToPlace(3.14159, 2)); // Traces 3.14 trace(NumberUtil.roundToPlace(3.14159, 3)); // Traces 3.142
*/ public static function roundDecimalToPlace(value:Number, place:uint):Number { var p:Number = Math.pow(10, place); return Math.round(value * p) / p; } /** Determines if index is included within the collection length otherwise the index loops to the beginning or end of the range and continues. @param index: Index to loop if needed. @param length: The total elements in the collection. @return A valid zero-based index. @examplevar colors:Array = new Array("Red", "Green", "Blue"); trace(colors[NumberUtil.loopIndex(2, colors.length)]); // Traces Blue trace(colors[NumberUtil.loopIndex(4, colors.length)]); // Traces Green trace(colors[NumberUtil.loopIndex(-6, colors.length)]); // Traces Red
*/ public static function loopIndex(index:int, length:uint):uint { if (index < 0) index = length + index % length; if (index >= length) return index % length; return index; } /** Determines if the value is included within a range. @param value: Number to determine if it is included in the range. @param firstValue: First value of the range. @param secondValue: Second value of the range. @return Returnstrue
if the number falls within the range; otherwisefalse
. @usageNote The range values do not need to be in order. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.isBetween(3, 0, 5)); // Traces true trace(NumberUtil.isBetween(7, 0, 5)); // Traces false
*/ public static function isBetween(value:Number, firstValue:Number, secondValue:Number):Boolean { return !(value < Math.min(firstValue, secondValue) || value > Math.max(firstValue, secondValue)); } /** Determines if value falls within a range; if not it is snapped to the nearest range value. @param value: Number to determine if it is included in the range. @param firstValue: First value of the range. @param secondValue: Second value of the range. @return Returns either the number as passed, or its value once snapped to nearest range value. @usageNote The constraint values do not need to be in order. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.constrain(3, 0, 5)); // Traces 3 trace(NumberUtil.constrain(7, 0, 5)); // Traces 5
*/ public static function constrain(value:Number, firstValue:Number, secondValue:Number):Number { return Math.min(Math.max(value, Math.min(firstValue, secondValue)), Math.max(firstValue, secondValue)); } /** Creates evenly spaced numerical increments between two numbers. @param begin: The starting value. @param end: The ending value. @param steps: The number of increments between the starting and ending values. @return Returns an Array comprised of the increments between the two values. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.createStepsBetween(0, 5, 4)); // Traces 1,2,3,4 trace(NumberUtil.createStepsBetween(1, 3, 3)); // Traces 1.5,2,2.5
*/ public static function createStepsBetween(begin:Number, end:Number, steps:Number):Array { steps++; var i:uint = 0; var stepsBetween:Array = new Array(); var increment:Number = (end - begin) / steps; while (++i < steps) stepsBetween.push((i * increment) + begin); return stepsBetween; } /** Determines a value between two specified values. @param amount: The level of interpolation between the two values. If0%
value is returned; if100%
value is returned. @param begin: The starting value. @param end: The ending value. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.interpolate(new Percent(0.5), 0, 10)); // Traces 5
*/ public static function interpolate(amount:Percent, begin:Number, end:Number):Number { return begin + (end - begin) * amount.decimalPercentage; } /** Determines a percentage of a value in a given range. @param value: The value to be converted. @param minimum: The lower value of the range. @param maximum: The upper value of the range. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.normalize(8, 4, 20).decimalPercentage); // Traces 0.25
*/ public static function normalize(value:Number, minimum:Number, maximum:Number):Percent { return new Percent((value - minimum) / (maximum - minimum)); } /** Maps a value from one coordinate space to another. @param value: Value from the input coordinate space to map to the output coordinate space. @param min1: Starting value of the input coordinate space. @param max1: Ending value of the input coordinate space. @param min2: Starting value of the output coordinate space. @param max2: Ending value of the output coordinate space. @exampletrace(, 0, 1, 0, 100)); // Traces 75
*/ public static function map(value:Number, min1:Number, max1:Number, min2:Number, max2:Number):Number { return min2 + (max2 - min2) * ((value - min1) / (max1 - min1)); } /** Low pass filter alogrithm for easing a value toward a destination value. Works best for tweening values when no definite time duration exists and when the destination value changes. If(0.5 < n < 1)
, then the resulting values will overshoot (ping-pong) until they reach the destination value. Whenn
is greater than 1, as its value increases, the time it takes to reach the destination also increases. A pleasing value forn
is 5. @param value: The current value. @param dest: The destination value. @param n: The slowdown factor. @return The weighted average. */ public static function getWeightedAverage(value:Number, dest:Number, n:Number):Number { return value + (dest - value) / n; } /** Formats a number as a string. @param value: The number you wish to format. @param kDelim: The character used to seperate thousands; defaults to""
. @param minLength: The minimum length of the number; defaults to0
. @param fillChar: The leading character used to make the number the minimum length; defaults to"0"
. @return Returns the formatted number as a String. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.format(1234567, ",", 8)); // Traces 01,234,567
*/ public static function format(value:Number, kDelim:String = ",", minLength:uint = 0, fillChar:String = "0"):String { const remainder:Number = value % 1; var num:String = Math.floor(value).toString(); const len:uint = num.length; if (minLength != 0 && minLength > len) { minLength -= len; const addChar:String = fillChar || '0'; while (minLength--) num = addChar + num; } if (kDelim != null && num.length > 3) { const totalDelim:uint = Math.floor(num.length / 3); const totalRemain:uint = num.length % 3; const numSplit:Array = num.split(''); var i:int = -1; while (++i < totalDelim) numSplit.splice(totalRemain + (4 * i), 0, kDelim); if (totalRemain == 0) numSplit.shift(); num = numSplit.join(''); } if (remainder != 0) num += remainder.toString().substr(1); return num; } /** Formats a number as a currency string. @param value: The number you wish to format. @param forceDecimals: If the number should always have two decimal placestrue
, or only show decimals is there is a decimals valuefalse
; defaults totrue
. @param kDelim: The character used to seperate thousands; defaults to","
. @return Returns the formatted number as a String. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.formatCurrency(1234.5)); // Traces "1,234.50"
*/ public static function formatCurrency(value:Number, forceDecimals:Boolean = true, kDelim:String = ","):String { const remainder:Number = value % 1; var currency:String = NumberUtil.format(Math.floor(value), kDelim); if (remainder != 0 || forceDecimals) currency += remainder.toFixed(2).substr(1); return currency; } /** Finds the english ordinal suffix for the number given. @param value: Number to find the ordinal suffix of. @return Returns the suffix for the number, 2 characters. @exampletrace(32 + NumberUtil.getOrdinalSuffix(32)); // Traces 32nd
*/ public static function getOrdinalSuffix(value:int):String { if (value >= 10 && value <= 20) return 'th'; if (value == 0) return ''; switch (value % 10) { case 3 : return 'rd'; case 2 : return 'nd'; case 1 : return 'st'; default : return 'th'; } } /** Adds a leading zero for numbers less than ten. @param value: Number to add leading zero. @return Number as a String; if the number was less than ten the number will have a leading zero. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.addLeadingZero(7)); // Traces 07 trace(NumberUtil.addLeadingZero(11)); // Traces 11
*/ public static function addLeadingZero(value:Number):String { return (value < 10) ? '0' + value : value.toString(); } /** Spells the provided number. @param value: Number to spell. Needs to be less than 999999999. @return The number spelled out as a String. @throwsError
is greater than 999999999. @exampletrace(NumberUtil.spell(0)); // Traces Zero trace(NumberUtil.spell(23)); // Traces Twenty-Three trace(NumberUtil.spell(2005678)); // Traces Two Million, Five Thousand, Six Hundred Seventy-Eight
*/ public static function spell(value:uint):String { if (value > 999999999) throw new Error('Value too large for this method.'); const onesSpellings:Array = new Array('', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine', 'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve', 'Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen', 'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eighteen', 'Nineteen'); const tensSpellings:Array = new Array('', '', 'Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy', 'Eighty', 'Ninety'); var spelling:String = ''; const millions:uint = value / 1000000; value %= 1000000; const thousands:uint = value / 1000; value %= 1000; const hundreds:uint = value / 100; value %= 100; const tens:uint = value / 10; value %= 10; const ones:uint = value % 10; if (millions != 0) { spelling += (spelling.length == 0) ? '' : ', '; spelling += NumberUtil.spell(millions) + ' Million'; } if (thousands != 0) { spelling += (spelling.length == 0) ? '' : ', '; spelling += NumberUtil.spell(thousands) + ' Thousand'; } if (hundreds != 0) { spelling += (spelling.length == 0) ? '' : ', '; spelling += NumberUtil.spell(hundreds) + ' Hundred'; } if (tens != 0 || ones != 0) { spelling += (spelling.length == 0) ? '' : ' '; if (tens < 2) spelling += onesSpellings[tens * 10 + ones]; else { spelling += tensSpellings[tens]; if (ones != 0) spelling += '-' + onesSpellings[ones]; } } if (spelling.length == 0) return 'Zero'; return spelling; } } }
(val1:Number, val2:Number, precision:Number) : Boolean
- Determines if the two values are equal, with the option to define the precision.
(val1 = *, val2 = *) : Number
- Evaluates val1 and val2 and returns the smaller value.
(val1 = *, val2 = *) : Number
- Evaluates val1 and val2 and returns the larger value.
(min:Number, max:Number) : Number
- Creates a random number within the defined range.
(min:int, max:int) : int
- Creates a random integer within the defined range.
(value:Number) : Boolean
- Determines if the number is even.
(value:Number) : Boolean
- Determines if the number is odd.
(value:Number) : Boolean
- Determines if the number is an integer.
(value:Number) : Boolean
- Determines if the number is prime.
(value:Number, place:uint) : Number
- Rounds a number's decimal value to a specific place.
(index:int, length:uint) : uint
- Determines if index is included within the collection length otherwise the index loops to the beginning or end of the range and continues.
(value:Number, firstValue:Number, secondValue:Number) : Boolean
- Determines if the value is included within a range.
(value:Number, firstValue:Number, secondValue:Number) : Number
- Determines if value falls within a range; if not it is snapped to the nearest range value.
(begin:Number, end:Number, steps:Number) : Array
- Creates evenly spaced numerical increments between two numbers.
(amount:Percent, begin:Number, end:Number) : Number
- Determines a value between two specified values.
(value:Number, minimum:Number, maximum:Number) : Percent
- Determines a percentage of a value in a given range.
(value:Number, min1:Number, max1:Number, min2:Number, max2:Number) : Number
- Maps a value from one coordinate space to another.
(value:Number, dest:Number, n:Number) : Number
- Low pass filter alogrithm for easing a value toward a destination value.
(value:Number, kDelim:String = ",", minLength:uint, fillChar:String = "0") : String
- Formats a number as a string.
(value:Number, forceDecimals:Boolean = true, kDelim:String = ",") : String
- Formats a number as a currency string.
(value:int) : String
- Finds the english ordinal suffix for the number given.
(value:Number) : String
- Adds a leading zero for numbers less than ten.
(value:uint) : String
- Spells the provided number.
Class methods
Adds a leading zero for numbers less than ten.
trace(NumberUtil.addLeadingZero(7)); // Traces 07 trace(NumberUtil.addLeadingZero(11)); // Traces 11
- Number as a String; if the number was less than ten the number will have a leading zero.
Determines if value falls within a range; if not it is snapped to the nearest range value.
trace(NumberUtil.constrain(3, 0, 5)); // Traces 3 trace(NumberUtil.constrain(7, 0, 5)); // Traces 5
- Returns either the number as passed, or its value once snapped to nearest range value.
- The constraint values do not need to be in order.
Creates evenly spaced numerical increments between two numbers.
trace(NumberUtil.createStepsBetween(0, 5, 4)); // Traces 1,2,3,4 trace(NumberUtil.createStepsBetween(1, 3, 3)); // Traces 1.5,2,2.5
- Returns an Array comprised of the increments between the two values.
Formats a number as a string.
. 0
. "0"
. -
trace(NumberUtil.format(1234567, ",", 8)); // Traces 01,234,567
- Returns the formatted number as a String.
Formats a number as a currency string.
, or only show decimals is there is a decimals value false
; defaults to true
. ","
. -
trace(NumberUtil.formatCurrency(1234.5)); // Traces "1,234.50"
- Returns the formatted number as a String.
Finds the english ordinal suffix for the number given.
trace(32 + NumberUtil.getOrdinalSuffix(32)); // Traces 32nd
- Returns the suffix for the number, 2 characters.
Low pass filter alogrithm for easing a value toward a destination value. Works best for tweening values when no definite time duration exists and when the destination value changes.
If (0.5 < n < 1)
, then the resulting values will overshoot (ping-pong) until they reach the destination value. When n
is greater than 1, as its value increases, the time it takes to reach the destination also increases. A pleasing value for n
is 5.
- The weighted average.
Determines a value between two specified values.
, begin
value is returned; if 100%
, end
value is returned. -
trace(NumberUtil.interpolate(new Percent(0.5), 0, 10)); // Traces 5
Determines if the value is included within a range.
trace(NumberUtil.isBetween(3, 0, 5)); // Traces true trace(NumberUtil.isBetween(7, 0, 5)); // Traces false
if the number falls within the range; otherwisefalse
- The range values do not need to be in order.
Determines if the two values are equal, with the option to define the precision.
trace(NumberUtil.isEqual(3.042, 3, 0)); // Traces false trace(NumberUtil.isEqual(3.042, 3, 0.5)); // Traces true
the values are equal; otherwisefalse
Determines if the number is even.
. -
trace(NumberUtil.isEven(7)); // Traces false trace(NumberUtil.isEven(12)); // Traces true
if the number is even; otherwisefalse
Determines if the number is an integer.
trace(NumberUtil.isInteger(13)); // Traces true trace(NumberUtil.isInteger(1.2345)); // Traces false
if the number is an integer; otherwisefalse
Determines if the number is odd.
. -
trace(NumberUtil.isOdd(7)); // Traces true trace(NumberUtil.isOdd(12)); // Traces false
if the number is odd; otherwisefalse
Determines if the number is prime.
and itself. -
trace(NumberUtil.isPrime(13)); // Traces true trace(NumberUtil.isPrime(4)); // Traces false
if the number is prime; otherwisefalse
Determines if index is included within the collection length otherwise the index loops to the beginning or end of the range and continues.
var colors:Array = new Array("Red", "Green", "Blue"); trace(colors[NumberUtil.loopIndex(2, colors.length)]); // Traces Blue trace(colors[NumberUtil.loopIndex(4, colors.length)]); // Traces Green trace(colors[NumberUtil.loopIndex(-6, colors.length)]); // Traces Red
- A valid zero-based index.
Maps a value from one coordinate space to another.
trace(, 0, 1, 0, 100)); // Traces 75
Evaluates val1
and val2
and returns the larger value. Unlike Math.max
this method will return the defined value if the other value is null
or not a number.
trace(NumberUtil.max(-5, null)); // Traces -5 trace(NumberUtil.max(-5, "CASA")); // Traces -5 trace(NumberUtil.max(-5, -13)); // Traces -5
- Returns the largest value, or the value out of the two that is defined and valid.
Evaluates val1
and val2
and returns the smaller value. Unlike Math.min
this method will return the defined value if the other value is null
or not a number.
trace(NumberUtil.min(5, null)); // Traces 5 trace(NumberUtil.min(5, "CASA")); // Traces 5 trace(NumberUtil.min(5, 13)); // Traces 5
- Returns the smallest value, or the value out of the two that is defined and valid.
Determines a percentage of a value in a given range.
trace(NumberUtil.normalize(8, 4, 20).decimalPercentage); // Traces 0.25
Creates a random integer within the defined range.
- Returns a random integer within the range.
Creates a random number within the defined range.
- Returns a random number within the range.
Rounds a number's decimal value to a specific place.
trace(NumberUtil.roundToPlace(3.14159, 2)); // Traces 3.14 trace(NumberUtil.roundToPlace(3.14159, 3)); // Traces 3.142
- Returns the value rounded to the defined place.
Spells the provided number.
trace(NumberUtil.spell(0)); // Traces Zero trace(NumberUtil.spell(23)); // Traces Twenty-Three trace(NumberUtil.spell(2005678)); // Traces Two Million, Five Thousand, Six Hundred Seventy-Eight
- The number spelled out as a String.